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Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the glass tile mosaic that you find at big box stores and that found at specialty tile suppliers? As in many things, the proof of quality comes down to detail in…
If you have teenagers like me, it is sometimes hard to impress them with home improvement projects. Unless it has slick bells-and-whistles, they’re likely not to notice subtleties like color, pattern and graceful form. But throw in some funky lights, automation…
So you’ve decided to upgrade your kitchen by putting in new countertops. Whether it’s granite or quartz, an increasingly popular option for stone countertops is to have the product honed, or fabricate the surface where it has a matte finish…
Back in January, I posted about our upcoming mini kitchen remodel, followed closely by tips on "How to have a successful kitchen remodel without losing your mind." Well, it's done. Or, at least as done as it's going to be…