If you have found yourself drawn to any of the apartments in "Only Murders in the Building", it probably says something about your personality. Check out what the design styles of Charles-Haden Savage, Oliver Putnam, or Mabel Mora says about you!
DIY Friday: Framed Ferns

It’s said that “Art is in the eye of the beholder.” Well, behold! There’s not much that’s more genuinely beautiful than nature itself! Kate at Centsational Girl shares how she turned a common houseplant into gorgeous (and inexpensive!) artwork for nearly any decor style! Thanks for sharing!

1) Gather ye fern fronds while ye may. 2) Lay fronds between wax paper and press flat between large heavy books for 2-3 days. 3) Lay flattened ferns on paper and affix to paper with a tiny bit of Mod Podge or craft glue, 4) display behind glass in frames.
If feeling extra crafty, make them look aged by using cream colored craft or tea stained papers, and stamping them with botanical Latin terms.