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DIY FRIDAY: Chalkboard Painted Tray Art

This DIY FRIDAY project is a suggestion from my friend Shannon.  These are cheap thrift-store trays, but look how cute they are!  Sometimes inexpensive items have great bones–like the detail around the edges of these trays–but it gets overshadowed by it’s finish, any decorative art (think gingham and chickens), or it’s material (plastic, resin, etc.)

For these, simply spray paint with chalkboard paint, hot-glue ribbon on the back (or nail in if the tray is wood), and hang!  I love how these are put in a grouping of three.  I can see these in a child’s room, but also in a kitchen or rec room.

Oooh, and did you know you can get  tint-able chalkboard paint by the can?  How fun would a bright blue chalkboard be?  Or Orange?  Or polka-dot?  You’re not limited to black or green anymore so let your imagination run wild!


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