If you have found yourself drawn to any of the apartments in "Only Murders in the Building", it probably says something about your personality. Check out what the design styles of Charles-Haden Savage, Oliver Putnam, or Mabel Mora says about you!
Spring 2020 One Room Challenge Week 1: – Quarantine Blues –
Our family has been comfortably settled in our new home for 10 months now. It’s been so nice to have an amazing space for our family of 5. Our main level remodel was successfully finished in early september 2019, 2 weeks before our sweet baby Miles was born. Everything went as planned and hoped, I was able to finish my crazy extensive project before the baby arrived! BIG relief when all was set and done!
Since them, we’ve made this new house our HOME with tons of fun memories, messes, baby cries, sleepless nights, crazy almost kindergartners twins, giggles, and tons of good old family time. But nothing has given us as much family time than quarantine… yeah lot’s of family time, so – much – family – time!
So, to shake things up and to prevent myself of going crazy from staring at my outdated powder room and mud room, I decided to take on a small home improvement project and participate in the Spring 2020 One Room Challenge. The ORC is a fun way to share and support fellow remodelers in their projects and designs. It’s a great way to spread creativity and inspiration to others, and frankly, those are the only things we all want to spread during this current times!
Here are some before pictures:
Mud Room Mud Room and Pantry
Mud Room Powder Room
And here is my inspiration “Mood Board” for the space.

I am so excited! This is the perfect way to brush off my quarantine blues and make lemonade out of lemons! I’ll be posting my weekly progress here on the blog and also on our instagram account. Be sure to follow us @ginamcmurtreyinteriors and also follow the One Room Challenge’s 20 featured designer and influencer projects and the several hundred other guest participants projects. Let’s do this!