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Oh yes I did…

It’s Spring Break and my 13-year old son is gone on his class trip to Washington DC.  Time to surprise him by giving his room a much-needed update.   And what color does nearly every boy in the world want their room?


I’ve evolved.  Both as a mother and as a designer.  No way was I going to let my kid have a black bedroom.  “What, are you gothic now?”  And, for a long time, the thought of a black room seemed so dark…so depressing.  I’ve come a long way baby, and boy am I glad I did.

First we painted the woodwork white.  That took a while to justify in my head since I was the one who stained EVERY. LINEAR. FOOT. of trim this *!!@# house.  And then the black.  It looks so clean…so crisp…so not depressing!  Very invigorating, actually!  My son’s a guitar player and loves that rock-n-roll vibe (although not too much…just enough for me to not really know how far is too far.) I’m accenting the room with an acid green in just a few spots.  I’ll post more pictures when it’s all completely finished.  White and grey keep it fairly monochromatic and it looks awesome!

We have a few other surprises to make the room extra special, but the black is something I’m sure is to be a hit!  Dramatic, yet restrained.  Hmmm.  I wonder if those qualities will rub off on the room’s occupant?  (We can only hope.)


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