If you have found yourself drawn to any of the apartments in "Only Murders in the Building", it probably says something about your personality. Check out what the design styles of Charles-Haden Savage, Oliver Putnam, or Mabel Mora says about you!
Oh yes I did…
It’s Spring Break and my 13-year old son is gone on his class trip to Washington DC. Time to surprise him by giving his room a much-needed update. And what color does nearly every boy in the world want their room?
I’ve evolved. Both as a mother and as a designer. No way was I going to let my kid have a black bedroom. “What, are you gothic now?” And, for a long time, the thought of a black room seemed so dark…so depressing. I’ve come a long way baby, and boy am I glad I did.
First we painted the woodwork white. That took a while to justify in my head since I was the one who stained EVERY. LINEAR. FOOT. of trim this *!!@# house. And then the black. It looks so clean…so crisp…so not depressing! Very invigorating, actually! My son’s a guitar player and loves that rock-n-roll vibe (although not too much…just enough for me to not really know how far is too far.) I’m accenting the room with an acid green in just a few spots. I’ll post more pictures when it’s all completely finished. White and grey keep it fairly monochromatic and it looks awesome!
We have a few other surprises to make the room extra special, but the black is something I’m sure is to be a hit! Dramatic, yet restrained. Hmmm. I wonder if those qualities will rub off on the room’s occupant? (We can only hope.)