If you have found yourself drawn to any of the apartments in "Only Murders in the Building", it probably says something about your personality. Check out what the design styles of Charles-Haden Savage, Oliver Putnam, or Mabel Mora says about you!
Gifts From the Heart — Part II
For three weeks in December, I am featuring a different social justice organization that I personally have a passion about. Give some thought about giving a gift that will last…the inner satisfaction and peace that comes when you reach out and help those who cannot help themselves. Last week it was Convoy of Hope, this week touches an issue that is staggering in the number of people affected, and the troubling growing trend.
27 million people are trapped in modern-day slavery across the world…also known as Human Trafficking. 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year. 1 million children annually are exploited by the global commercial sex trade, and 70% of the women trafficked are forced into the commercial sex industry. In the United States, 244,000 American children and youth were estimated to be at risk of child sexual exploitation, including commercial sexual exploitation in 2000, and in this problem has risen astoundingly in the past 10 years.
Combatting Human Trafficking needs to be on everyone’s radar. This is not a 3rd World Country problem. This is a problem in all areas of the US…both urban and rural. As with most large scale social issues, the overwhelming scale of the problem can leave one wondering how they can possible help.
The Daily Audio Bible family has taken something that we use anyway to fight Human Trafficking. Coffee! 100% of their proceeds go to agencies that combat Human Trafficking…either by rescuing the women and children involved in sex slavery, or by rehabilitation, counseling, and refuge to ensure they do not feel destined for that future forever.
The Windfarm Blend contains three Fair Trade Certified ™ coffees from three distinct growing regions, Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia/Indonesia. The coffees are roasted separately and blended after roasting to ensure each coffee contributes its individual flavor characteristics and not just a style of roast.
The decaf version is a Swiss Water processed decaf, which means no chemicals were used to decaffeinate it and it’s certified Fair Trade™ as well. It’s a Mexican coffee from Chiapas that has a medium to full bodied mouth feel with some chocolate notes and a clean finish. It’s an exceptional decaf and an exceptional single origin coffee. It flat out tastes as good or better than many traditional non-decaf coffees.
Consider purchasing this coffee for thank you or office gifts, or for meaningful stocking stuffers. Not only will your friends and family receive a fantastic gift, you will be providing an opportunity for an even better gift…FREEDOM!
Purchase your WindFarm Blend Coffee Here and do your part to combat Human Trafficking.