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Back to School Perk-Up for Dorms or Apartments

It’s that time of year again–BACK TO SCHOOL!  Did you move a student in to a college dorm or apartment over the weekend?  It’s been a while, but not long enough for me to forget how boring and bland resident life rooms can be. Granted, the availability of cute, fun, bright dorm gear is much better than it was (ahem!) 20+ years ago, but still, there are rules about painting, hanging art and even window treatments that limits the decòr to the lower half of the room.


I ran across this awesome product a month or two ago and wish so much to have had it back in my day.  Wall Pops® are removable wall decals with a lot of personality.  Think contact paper meets super fun giant stickers meets erasable marker when it’s all done.  Literally hundreds of designs can be used for many different rooms and looks.  There are even dry-erase board Wall Pops® to help your student keep track of their very demanding schedule, designer Wall Pops® by Jonathan Adler with trendy designs and colors for the style-conscious, and my favorite, the giant wall clock applications.  How fun is this headphone wall clock?

When you’re done for the semester or year, and want to upgrade your digs, simple remove the Wall Pops® without damaging the walls and take them with you.

College life is fun and exciting and your room should be too!  These products are available at, in limited designs at Target, other online merchants.

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